Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Per the readers request

Attached is a photo I took of myself through a mirror from last Saturday, in which I had to 'suit up' for a company holiday party event at the Portland Art Museum. 2 observations - 1) I'm not a naturally gifted photographer (this was the best of 10 pictures I took) and 2) I think my 2.1 megapixel camera is PROBABLY due for an upgrade. And sorry to my readers, you've got to tilt your heads left to see the picture adequately.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snow, Again

Its snowing here, and naturally the first thing that come to mind for me is to check out all the cool looking snow drift. If I knew how to post pictures on this thing, I would post pictures of the snow in progress. As of 5:15 I measured 2" of uniform snow, and up to 4" of snow drift height. That seems like quite a bit for a day in which I had heard no rumblings on the potential for snow.

\End most boring blog post of all time

Friday, December 4, 2009

Remember Me?

I was told yesterday by one of my 3 readers that I don't blog anymore. I am here to prove that that is a lie. Thats right, I got to phrase a sentence with a double that.

I have been busy, I guess I've been pre-occupied with work, home life, and looking for my missing rib (/biblical reference).

Anyways, that is all.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Time to Come Clean

Hello all, I thought I needed to confess something. In the interest of full discretion, here goes:

I have an irrational hatred of balloons.

That is all.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Update of Sorts

So I've been busy with this, that and the other thing for a while, and have been negligent with this blog. But hopefully this short blurb will tide over my legions of fans [legions = two or three].

I just wanted to express publicly that the documentary Kobe Doin' Work on ESPN is one of the most spectacularly, ridiculously, inconceivably awesome things to watch on TV. Every time I'm looking for something to watch and its an option, I get drawn to it like eyes to a car crash. It portrays Kobe trying to be a likeable teammate / person / coach, yet it fails miserably in each regard. Should you watch it, you will get treated to 2 hours of Kobe talking about watching himself play a basketball team, complete with him laughing at stupid jokes that he tells to opponents on the court, him beaming with pride at his efforts to teach his younger teammates [complete with the disbelief on his teammates face at the fact that they are being talked to by him in a congenial fashion] and the selfless way Kobe plays offfense when you don't have to watch the whole court, you just get a full game of close up shots of Kobe, either with the ball driving into traffice or walking the perimeter of the three point line with his hands out clamoring for the ball non-stop.

Its an awesome watch, I would recommend it to all. :)


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Forgetting Stuff

I forgot I had a blog. But then I remembered. So I decided I'd post to that effect.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sports Rooting Interests

Over the years, I have watched some 1.8 million sports games (give or take 0.05 million). Sports has been around my life forever. However, for most of these 1.8 million games, I don't end up having a rooting interest in the game. This got me thinking, how would I rank the top 10 rooting interests I have? So, here we go.

10. Notre Dame Football. It just appeals to the Catholic side of me.

9. Seattle Mariners Baseball. Grew up a fan of them as well, with the yearly trips to the Kingdome to watch a game or two.

8. US Olympic Sports. Patriotism + World Renowned quality athleticism is a good combination for me.

7. Oregon State Baseball. My alma mater + 2 national championship = #7 ranking.

6. Portland Trailblazer Basketball. Took a hiatus during the Jailblazer year, but came back with the draft that netted Aldridge and Roy. Really like what kind of moves the franchise is taking, and nowadays the operation of the franchise appeals to my interests. I like seeing teams making smart moves toward a goal.

5. Gonzaga Basketball. Joined the bandwagon when my friend went to school there, and now I am very invested in rooting for their basketball tournament. Every year, I end up picking them to go farther than they end up going in the tournament. But as compared to #4, at least they are in the tournament.

4. Oregon State Basketball. I have become a fan alot more in the last few years. I am liking the turnaround circa the David Lucas era.

3. Boston Red Sox Baseball. My dad grew up a fan of the Sox since he was a kid, and this is something I picked up from him.

2. Oregon State Football. There's something to be said for going to those games and investing so much time in them, and not to mention being around for the turnaround from the 1 and 2 win seasons to a few more victories a game.

1. My two brothers' baseball teams. This could be a 1A and 1B kind of thing, but you aren't going to get me to decide between the two of them.