Monday, March 30, 2009

Reflections on Commercials

I saw some commercials this morning, thought I'd reflect on them.

A pregnancy test commercial claimed that these days, up to 10% of people can misread the results of a pregnancy test. So they were selling this test that explicitly read pregnant or not. I think at this point, selling to the 10% that can misread the pregancy test won't be fixed with brighter LED display, that will be fixed by addressing the issue of illiteracy.

A new Sesame Street product is on the market: Elmo and Cadabby. These two are supposed to be best friends that you can hug and be best friends with. Could they not have chosen a better name than Cadabby? What happens when the kid later on in life learns what a cadaver is, and puts the two together? Doesn't that introduce a bit too many unnecessary issues into the equation that could be resolved with a normal name?

Hope all two of my readers are doing well.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh on the pregnancy test one. Very funny. I'm waiting to see it on tv now!
